Performance at Yapı Kredi Kültür Sanat

Son dönem işlerinde suyun bir beden olarak varlığı ve insan bedeniyle kesişim alanları üzerine düşünen ve çalışan Mimiko performansta dalgaya dair sorular soruyor. “Nasıl dalgaya dönüşülür?”, “Dalga nasıl canlandırılır?” sorularından yola çıkan Mimiko, “(kendini) Seine Nehri’ne Vermek” projesinin performatif kısmında, çağlar boyu derinliklerinde adaklar kadar silahlar da birikmiş olan bu su-bedenle, karşılık beklemeden, vermek eylemi üzerinden ilişkiye geçmeye çalışıyor.

12 Aralık 2024 Perşembe Saat: 18:30

Participating in the group show ‘an Ecology of Images’ at Galerie Analix Forever

‘How to Destroy an Artwork’ will be part of the exhibition running from 1st March to 1st May.

Participating artists are: Maryam ASHRAFI, Aurélien BAMBAGIONI, Janet BIGGS , Véronique CAYE, Guillaume CHAMAHIAN, Isabelle CHAPUIS, Marios FOURNARIS, Nikias IMHOOF, Jeanne ROUALET, Tuomo MANNINEN, Mario RIZZI, Mariabrice SAPPHOCATHERIN, Guillaume de SARDES, Mimiko TÜRKKAN, Guillaume VARONE, Klavdij SLUBAN and Frank SMITH.

‘Earth Fight’ featured in article by Ayça Okay in Medium (EN)

Among the most striking videos of the fair is Mimiko Türkkan’s Earth Fight, projected in 4K. Mimiko Türkkan, an artist living and producing in Turkey, is participating in the fair with Analix Forever. “Earth Fight”, which was recently exhibited in the Waves of Intention exhibition at Pilot Gallery and the 10th Mediations Biennial, draws attention to the dystopian image of an entire ecosystem destroyed by the fires in the Aegean Region two years ago. It reflects on the damage caused by natural processes, profit-oriented decisions, human rights and excessive interventions in an attempt to restore the environment. It evaluates the situations that arise when climate emergencies are declared worldwide.

“Showing Earth Fight at the Loop allowed us to engage one-on-one with an audience interested in the video and with art professionals visiting the fair. Since the main theme of the work is about the forest fires that are unfortunately happening in many parts of the world, I internalised that I had made a work that established a direct communication channel with the audience through the ‘exchanges’ at Loop, and this was a great source of inner satisfaction. The fact that a work that was challenging for me and resulted in powerful feelings touched the different sensitivities of the audience from a wide range of backgrounds and that they shared their emotions with me face to face was a valuable experience that I can rarely experience in Turkey.” Gözde Mimiko Türkkan.

‘Earth Fight’ featured in article by Ayça Okay for Nftify (TR)

Fuarın en dikkat çeken videoları arasında Mimiko Türkkan’ın Earth Fight başlıklı 4K projeksiyon ile yansıtılan eseri yer alıyor. Türkiye’de yaşayan ve üreten sanatçı Mimiko Türkkan fuara Analix Forever ile katılıyor. Yakın zamanda temsil edildiği Pilot Galeri’de Niyet Dalgaları sergisinde ve 10. Mediations Bienali’nde sergilenen “Earth Fight”, iki yıl önce Ege Bölgesi’nde gerçekleşen yangınların sonucu yok olan koca bir ekosistemin distopik görüntüsüne dikkat çekiyor. Doğal süreçlerin sonucunda ortaya çıkan zararlar, kâr odaklı kararlar, insan hakları ve çevreyi düzeltme çabası ile yapılan aşırı müdahalelerden kaynaklanan zararlar üzerine düşündürüyor ve dünya genelinde iklim acil durumları ilan edildiğinde ortaya çıkan bu tip durumları değerlendiriyor.

Featured in Barbara Polla’s book ‘Les femmes d’aujourd’hui au regard des artistes’

Barbara Polla ‘Les femmes d’aujourd’hui au regard des artistes’ (Today’s women in the eyes of artists)
Slatkine Editions, 2023, Preface by Maia Mazaurette, Image on the book cover by Shannon Plumb
A belated post about how deeply honoured I feel to be part of this book by Barbara published in April this year along with inspiring artists such as Dana Hoey, Eva Magyarosi, Caroline Tschumi, Isabelle Chapuis and many more🌈⚡️
Also featuring a wonderful portrait taken by dear Teri Erbeş 🙏🏽🩵
« They are fluid, they inhabit their bodies, they enjoy giving birth, they work, they box, they are erotic and mystical, they invent new couples, they bear witness to the horrors of the world, to this world that they are transforming, they are poetesses and fundamentally ambivalent. They are powerful, transmitters of power and sometimes they have, they are, grace. They create, create themselves and create the future. »
Does the way in which artists represent women today tell us about who we may be tomorrow? This is the hypothesis of Barbara Polla, who has looked at the works and questioned contemporary artists for several years. This book, she says, is written by the artists. And what do these works and artists selected by Barbara Polla, in all subjectivity, say about the women of the 2020s?
Tomorrow, perhaps, we will be free.

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