‘How to Destroy an Artwork’ at Photo Basel at Galerie Analix Forever’s booth
For Photo Basel 2022, Analix Forever, faithful to the reflections that have driven the gallery for over ten years, proposes a booth with artworks on the thematic of confinements – to better think freedom. With Mimiko Türkkan, Valérie Horwitz and Klavdij Sluban.

Participating in Istanbul Biennial’s Production & Research Program
İstanbul Bienali, sanat ve sanatla ilişkili alanlarda teorik, pratik, bireysel ya da kolektif çalışmalar yürütmek isteyen sanatçı ve araştırmacılara yönelik bir dizi danışmanlık, atölye çalışması ve seminerden oluşan İstanbul Bienali Çalışma ve Araştırma Programı’nın 2021-2022 dönemini hayata geçiyor.

New exhibition ‘La Colosse de Rhodes’ at Galerie Analix Forever
The Wonders of The World
For the spring of 2022, Analix Forever proposes four of the seven Wonders of the World.
The museologist Elena Esen presents her first curated exhibition at Analix Forever, on the
theme of The Hanging Gardens in Atelier AMI, featuring Benoît Billotte, Valérie Horwitz,
Abdul Rahman Katanani, Alberto Lastreto, Daniel Ruggiero & Julien Serve.
In the main gallery, the art historian, art critic and writer Michele Robecchi comes back to
Analix Forever to curate his third exhibition with the gallery, after “Crosswords” and “Carte
Blanche”, now on the theme of the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus. Robecchi invites video
artists working on animation, thus adding an autonomous visual value to the moving
In the Project Room, Analix Forever features The Colossus of Rhodes, with works by
Turkish photographer and video artist Mimiko Türkkan.
The gallery’s video room is dedicated to Ali Kazma and his film Finnis Terrae, featuring
lighthouses of Ouessant Island and the Finistère region of France as reminiscent of
Alexandria’s lighthouse.
More info here.
Newsletter no3 / Spring is Here🌱(no not really) : A recap of my spring-summer-autumn 2021 news
Dears friends, family, co-workers,
fellow artists and supporters,
I hope my third newsletter finds you well. You probably wonder why it’s entitled ‘Spring is Here’. The reason is, well, I was supposed to send it during spring 2021. But instead of celebrating the arrival of the new season, I had to face the extent of my inclination for emotional isolation while practically being stuck in Turkey during the pandemic…
Gratefully, borders opened up again, I got to see loved ones; couraged up and finished the major video work I was working on which is currently on view in Geneva! So I’d like to share a recap of my spring-summer-autumn news.
Read the rest and check it out here.
News from Mimiko: Checking-in, Catching-up
To read the rest of my second newsletter, please check my second newsletter or subscribe to future ones here.
"Innergy/Watery" project (Working Title) recipient of SAHA Sustainability Fund: Covid-19
SAHA – Supporting Contemporary Art from Turkey, called for a new fund to support initiatives in visual arts or artists with an existing production interrupted by Covid-19 pandemic or with new project proposal addressing issues that have arisen due to the pandemic.
My ongoing video installation project “Innergy/Watery” (Working Title) will be completed thanks to this fund.
'Entrouvert' Group Show Opens at Analix Forever, May 2020
ENTROUVERT (HALF-OPEN): we are afraid, and swing between uncertainty and hope. Art is hope: it creates with, and against, the darkest in us and instills light in it. Between confinement and freedom, the gallery door is ajar, the Covid19 is there, on the walls, locked in the images; the anxiety is palpable. We are in the “prehistory of a smile” (Baricco).
An moving exhibition, inside and outside, on the walls and on the net. An evolving exhibition, inside and outside the walls, in the gallery and on the web, with Céline Cadaureille, Debi Cornwall, Angus Fairhurst, Shaun Gladwell, Valérie Horwitz, Nikias Imhoof, Stefan Imhoof, Abdul Rahman Katanani (from June 13), Ali Kazma, Rachel Labastie, Maïa Mazaurette, Sylvie Mermoud & Pierre Bonard, Robert Montgomery, Pavlos Nikolakopoulos, Jhafis Quintero, Klavdij Sluban, Laure Tixier, Mimiko Türkkan and Guillaume Varone. HALF-OPEN also reconnects with the rich musical history of the gallery and offers, a performance by Nikias Imhoof, « À l’étude » becomes a paradigm for voluntary artistic confinement, which will take place every day of the exhibition, Tuesday to Saturday, from noon to 2 pm.
Read on more about ‘Entrouvert’ by Paul Ardenne (in French):
Feature on Slash: https://slash-paris.com/fr/evenements/entrouvert
In Conversation with Barbara Polla 'Million Dollar Artist' on Galerie Analix Forever's website (EN/FR)
‘Chronicles of a Boxer’ in 5 episodes / ‘Chronique d’une Boxeuse’ en 5 épisodes in English and French:
Chronique d’une boxeuse – Episode #01
Chronique d’une boxeuse – Episode #02
Chronique d’une boxeuse – Episode #03
Chronique d’une boxeuse – Episode #04
Chronique d’une boxeuse – Episode #05
Article 'La grâce triomphera' on online art agenda Chat Perché, Mar 2020 (FR)
”La puissance et la grâce” regroupe les travaux de trois photographes talentueux dont les univers iconographiques se croisent lors de cette magnifique exposition collective. Mimiko Türkkan, Guillaumes de Sardes et Dana Hoey nous proposent une vision de la femme non conventionnelle. Ici, elle repousse les limites de la force physique, mais aussi de ses fantasmes. Voici les portraits de femmes libres.
Full article by Carine Bovey here: