'La Puissance et la grâce' exhibition featured in Slash online magazine, Mar 2020

Plongée en images au cœur de l’exposition (suspendue pour le moment) La Puissance et la grâce à la galerie Analix Forever de Genève.
La Puissance et la grâce réunit les œuvres des trois photographes Dana Hoey, Guillaume de Sardes et Mimiko Türkkan qui consacrent leur travail aux portraits de femmes à la galerie Analix Forever.

Participating in the exhibition 'La Puissance et la Grâce' at Galerie Analix Forever, Geneva, March 2020

Three photographers, Dana Hoey (USA), Guillaume de Sardes (France) and Mimiko Türkkan (Turkey), propose to the viewers images of women who combine power and grace, each in their own way. Dana Hoey has always photographed women but this time, beyond some of her mythical photographs that will be shown in the exhibition, she represents herself in a new way: the power and the grace of her own body, in action. Guillaume de Sardes too, photographs women, he is fascinated by “the power of their grace”. From his delicate, admiring, loving images, often in black and white, emanates a feminine energy that is also to be found in his books and films : they reveal the unknown, the free other. Mimiko Türkkan, who has photographed worlds of nightlife, sex and boxing, presents a new photographic series allusively representing women expressing the “uncanny energy” that Analix Forever promotes. Türkkan is interested in women who have “powers” and the artist develops, for this exhibition, a new concept: Innergy. She is looking for and pictures this inner energy that makes the power of women – and others.
Grace and Power / La Puissance et la Grâce / March 13, 14, 15 mars / GENEVE
For more information:

'Sedüksiyon' video solo show at Bilsart in Istanbul, Feb 2020

New video work ‘Sedüksiyon’ will be shown at Bilsart in Istanbul between 5-15 February 2020, starting with a discussion with writer Süreyyya Evren about gender identities in sexually-charged mainstream shows and their audience.

Mimiko's very first newsletter!

Knowing the difficulty to keep up with the information load on social media and to share relevant news alike, I decided to launch out into creating my very first (probably monthly) newsletter.
You received this because at some point our paths crossed (and we most likely exchanged emails), so I hope it finds you well! And please find below all the exciting things that happened during November.
Click here to read my very first newsletter!

Solo show presented by Analix Forever at P/CAS during Paris Photo, 7-11 Nov 2019


Paris, from Thursday, November 07 to Monday, November 11, 2019

Review by Fabien Ribery in his blog L'intervalle (FR)

PAY HER, ce que le genre fait à l’image, par Mimiko Türkkan, photographe

Qui regarde qui et pourquoi ? qui désire et dévore qui ? quels sont les pouvoirs – de fascination, de déconstruction, de révélation – de l’image ? Dans une série intitulée Pay Her(e), la jeune artiste photographie, entre désir personnel et distance critique, un strip club, les couloirs, les vestiaires, la scène, et surtout le corps des femmes vrillé autour d’une barre de pole dance.

Text by Fiona Vilmer (FR)

Les images s’affranchissent d’une construction médiatisée pour rendre visible les zones parfois grises, écrasées par le phénomène de stéréotypie. Par l’expérience comme nécessité à sa pratique, les photographies dépassent la vision statique incarnée par le stéréotype d’origine. La série Pay Here interroge le genre politique par le corps. Les danseuses de pole dance photographiées en dehors du show, délaissent  les polarisations d’un regard masculinisé et d’une sexualisation exacerbée au profit d’une charge sensuelle consciente. Cet entre-deux démagnétise ainsi l’habitude du regard tourné vers l’objectification du corps, laissant un nouveau point de vue ouvert.
Les images décrivent des identités construites par et dans la société. Par l’observation de l’individu dans son ressentit propre, l’artiste se réconcilie avec le genre pour admettre sa propre identité plurielle, différente et fragmentée. Ancrées dans le réel, les narrations visuelles de Gözde Mimiko Türkkan se saisissent de la relation à l’Autre pour mieux se découvrir soi même.

Read the full text here: https://fionavilmer.com/gozde-mimiko-turkkan

"Beau Ideal" at Pilot Gallery/Istanbul, Feb 2019

Beau Ideal

Pilot is pleased to present “Beau Ideal”, a reflection on constructed beauty and a glance at gender politics. Today, having interest in how our bodies appear to our surroundings became a political issue. What we find aesthetically pleasing, cool or tacky is constructed by and also constructs the society. Along with the presence of Butler in the 90s we acknowledged that gender is a social construct. Gender is real only to the extent that it is performed and is a process of self-construction as well as beauty.
Gözde Mimiko Türkkan and Pınar Yoldaş has fresh approaches to the concept of “collective desire”. They delve from variety of angles into labels; skin colors, ethnicities, species, gender norms… Playing with the idea that the colors, forms or behavior of bodies are inherently vested with specific meanings, the exhibition sway in the breeze and they arrive to the station of body politics. Which body is the ideal one, according to who, where and when?
“Beau Ideal” features Türkkan’s photo series “Now You See Me” (2015-ongoing), the re-enactment of amateur looking-porn videos and “cam-girls”. The work expands in the exhibition and artist goes out for a new adventure, a search for the biggest right hand of man of African origin in Istanbul she can find. In this search, she produces a sculpture that determines the criteria like the glass shoe in the Cinderella story. Artist also documents her search and turns it into a video work. As the mediums diversify Türkkan’s investigation of the beauty myth branches. Looking from this perspective, the hand becomes the symbol of a workforce and its exploitation, in our era it becomes an instrument to measure success and define talent, like in the case of sportspeople. All in all, Türkkan’s works suggests a collective desire to be accepted.
Pınar Yoldaş’s “Designer Babies” (2013-ongoing), recently exhibited in the 4th Design Biennial (2018), is returning to Istanbul with new babies via Pilot Gallery. In the scope of her bio-critical feminist approach she also produced a new video. The work can be summarized with Agnes Vardas’ words from Les plages d’Agnès (2008): “The women’s struggle will be collective or it will not be; it’s not just about being free.”. Yoldaş wants to look deeper into the idea of beauty and finds its origins in biological world. Following in the footsteps of feminist philosopher Elizabeth Grosz, who believes that our notion of art and beauty is rooted in the animal world, Yoldaş continues her collages of biological excess with two new pieces focusing on birds and the young animal.
Gözde Mimiko Türkkan and Pınar Yoldaş confronts the mainstream, pre-conceptions and biases in the society. Which hand will fit in? Which baby will be the perfect one?


New Exhibition "Jeu des Portraits en Famille" at Centre Intermondes, Jun 2018 (FRA)

Vernissage « Jeu des Portraits en Famille » de GÖZDE MIMIKO TÜRKKAN (TURQUIE)

Après une résidence à la Ludothèque de Mireuil organisée par le Centre Socio-Culturel Le Pertuis, Gözde Mimiko Türkkan (Turquie) est de retour au Centre Intermondes pour exposer le travail photographique “Jeu des Portraits en Famille”, mené avec la complicité de familles rochelaises. Elles ont pu exprimer leurs liens dans un portrait, décalé ou pas, autour du jeu ou du sérieux, professionnel ou amateur. Par le biais de ce travail, l’artiste s’interroge sur la place de chacun dans la société et la famille, sur les relations parents/enfants. Le jeu et la prise de photo s’entremêlant, deux possibilités ont été proposées aux parents : Si leur enfant, adolescent ou grand enfant voulait faire la photo, à lui ou elle de décider du placement, des costumes, des gestes etc.., et aux parents d’obéir! Si leur enfant était trop petit, il ou elle pouvait alors choisir les costumes, les accessoires ou encore les jouets qu’il ou qu’elle aimerait voir sur la photo avec ses parents. Exposition du 6 au 20 juin 2018 au Centre Intermondes, de 10h à 13h et de 14h à 18h.

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