Pay Here (#06) in Louisville Photo Biennial at 21c Museum Hotel, Sep 2017 (ENG)

[…] Signs of the desire to possess and consume echo throughout this selection of photographs, particularly in the work of Gözde Türkkan whose Pay Here series focuses on the outward manifestation of sexual, psychological, emotional, and sociological identity. The confrontational gaze of the women in Türkkan’s photograph suggests a consideration of the potential costs of desire.

Object(s) of Desire” at 21c Museum Hotel, Louisville/USA.
September 22 – December 31, 2017
Featuring photographic works by: Kelli Connell, Humberto Díaz, Zanele Muholi, Vik Muniz, Youseff Nabil, René Peña, and Gözde Türkkan

Included in Imago Mundi Art "Istanbul Codex" collection, jul 2016

My work “self-portrait” included in Imago Mundi Art “Istanbul Codex: Contemporary Artists from Turkey” collection:
“227 works that give a real time snapshot of the art scene in a complex country, suspended between East and West, between Islamization and modernization, between advancement and untamed growth. Creativity, culture and art that can play an important role in enhancing an identity founded on the particularity of Turkey, a country between two worlds. Art that transcends boundaries, breaks rules and restrictions, bypasses all is, as in every Imago Mundi collection, the common thread of this collection that rightly also includes 20 works by Kurdish artists, the largest ethnic group in the country.”

Artist talk moderated by ipek çınar at Ka Atölye in Ankara, jun 2016 (TUR)

“Ka Atölye’nin Kitap Dükkanı, raflarında yer alan kitapları ve yaratıcılarını izleyicileriyle buluşturmaya devam ediyor. Kitapların hikayelerini, yaratıcılarının deneyimlerini dinlemeyi, ufuk açıcı sohbetlerde bir araya gelmeyi istediğimiz bu etkinliklerin üçüncüsünde 10 Haziran Cuma akşamı 19.30’da İpek Çınar’ın moderatörlüğünde Gözde Mimiko Türkkan’ı konuk ediyoruz.”
Ka Atölye-Gözde Mimiko Türkkan

Pay Here Artist's books at The Library Project, may 2016

Wrote an Open Letter Back to İpek Çınar, Jun 2015 (ENG/TUR)

Received an Open Letter from İpek Çınar, Jan 2015 (ENG/TUR)

Interview & feature video by the photography fair La Quatrième Image, Oct 2014 (FR)

EXPOSANTS 2014- EXHIBITORS 2014- Flash back -L'exposition La Quatrième Image fut l'année dernière l'occasion de découvrir nouveaux photographes, 44 photographes sélectionnés et leurs œuvres révélant déjà une vision très personnelle du monde qui nous entoure.Gözde TÜRKKAN était l'une d'entre euxEn attendant la cuvée 2015 de la sélection, nous vous proposons de revenir sur la démarche artistique qui l'a guidée, à travers un entretien réalisé pendant la durée du salon; elle nous parle aussi de ce que lui a apporté cette expérience de présenter son projet dans une exposition internationale.Merci Gözde !Merci à Pierre Duyckaerts qui a réalisé le film et son montageLa Quatrième Image fair last year gave the opportunity to discover, new photographers, 44 selected young photographers and their pictures, already revealing a very personal vision of the world around us.Gözde TÜRKKAN was one of them.While waiting for the 2015 selection, we invite you to go back to the artistic process that guided her, through an interview realized during the fair; she is also talking to us about what the experience of presenting her project in an international exhibition brought to her.Thank you Gözde!Thanks to Pierre Duyckaerts who made the video

Δημοσιεύτηκε από La Quatrieme Image στις Παρασκευή, 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

“L’exposition La Quatrième Image fut l’année dernière l’occasion de découvrir nouveaux photographes, 44 photographes sélectionnés et leurs œuvres révélant déjà une vision très personnelle du monde qui nous entoure.
Gözde TÜRKKAN était l’une d’entre eux
En attendant la cuvée 2015 de la sélection, nous vous proposons de revenir sur la démarche artistique qui l’a guidée, à travers un entretien réalisé pendant la durée du salon; elle nous parle aussi de ce que lui a apporté cette expérience de présenter son projet dans une exposition internationale.
Merci à Pierre Duyckaerts qui a réalisé le film et son montage.”
“La Quatrième Image fair last year gave the opportunity to discover, new photographers, 44 selected young photographers and their pictures, already revealing a very personal vision of the world around us.
Gözde TÜRKKAN was one of them.
While waiting for the 2015 selection, we invite you to go back to the artistic process that guided her, through an interview realized during the fair; she is also talking to us about what the experience of presenting her project in an international exhibition brought to her.
Thanks to Pierre Duyckaerts who made the video.”

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