15 Feb - 26 Mar 2022, Istanbul / Turkey

Group show What Water Knows at Pilot Galeri between 15 February and 26 March 2022 in Istanbul/TR.

Artists: Hacer Kıroğlu, İrem Tok, Halil Altındere, Gözde Mimiko Türkkan, Serra Tansel, Uğur Cinel, Can Küçük, Ayçesu Duran, Beyza Dilem Topdal, İz Öztat, Fatma Belkıs, Kerem Ozan Bayraktar, Aslı Uludağ, Mehmet Ali Uysal, Pınar Öğrenci, Volkan Aslan

“The idea of doing an exhibition about water stemmed from a meditation done on Hito Steyerl’s Liquidity Inc.. Taking water as a powerful metaphor to understand and narrate today; it operates as a hypertext where finance and politics are used figuratively, and martial arts and waves are present literally. Fluidity and adaptability are musts to be the last one standing in a fast-paced world. Water embodies adaptability and survivability against hardships and transformation. 

Tsunamis, the destructive power of the giant waves, set the agenda mandatorily when the cities are expected to submerge under the water, and climate change is considered. It’s not the news; since the 80s, the visions, and discussions of water wars and people who are forced to immigrate due to water(lessness), have taken place in the popular culture and the academy. From Africa to the Middle East, vast geography is affected by the water shortage because of over usage and inadequate policies; what’s more, the countries situated in the northern part of the hemisphere are expected to sink underwater in the meantime. Water, both as a threat and as a value at risk, rightfully occupies the agenda. 
The exhibition reads the current uncertainty and crisis through the reality and the metaphor based on “water”, its fluidity, adaptability, and formlessness. The exhibition argues that water is a boundary line, a threshold for some, and a dreamland that can never be reached for others. As the Reason for the most significant migration since WW2, water, from the Japan of the 1830s to the Istanbul of 3019, sits in the artists’ focus for an extended period of time.
For the first time exhibited in Turkey, Gözde Mimiko Türkkan’s Innergy / Watery Incantations focuses on the “flow” and deals with the water’s utmost quality. The sound on the “water” images shot by the artist in 6 different countries over a period of 3 years; deals with the boundaries, depth, memory, and change of consciousness through the relationship between humans and water. Proceeding in a flow that the artist refers to as “thinking with water”, the video leads the viewer to imagine the movement/consciousness of the water inside the body.[…]”
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