Strange & Beautiful
2000 – Ongoing
This ongoing series is composed of images which have been captured since 2000 as I came together with my father, sister, and her mother who live in another city.
Strange & Beautiful series was initially displayed during Close Quarters exhibition at Istanbul Modern Museum in 2013 and produced in limited numbers. Visitors were invited to pick and take away a print each. The series was later shown at Landskrona Photo Festival‘s Focus: Turkey exhibition in 2014.
Family bonds; we are beautiful strangers in a web of resemblance.
Within reach; out of grasp.
Delicate & fragile bonds, though hard wired; strange, beautiful and close…
Strange and familiar as much as heartfelt due to proximity.
Things impossible to grasp;
like a person’s self,
like a moment,
like time passing by,
like siblings’ acute likeness,
like siblings’ acute unlikeness,
like two dots in space that get closer and closer but never meet,
like intimate distances between us and our family,
like growing up,
like growing old,
like past impressions,
like familiar scents,
like our temperament’s convergence with our parents’ as we grow old,
like falling into sleep,
like recurrent dreams,
What we are looking at here is the visualisation of this impossibility by the means of a medium that inherits and admits it.
These are traces of our union and reunions over the years as we grow. As we grow older…